
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Sex Education: A Must!

Philippine RH Bill, at present, is still on its interpellation stage in both Upper and Lower Houses.  This delay causes a number of mothers dying due to pregnancy complications, delivery to a handful of children who, in the future, will not have proper education due to their parents' lack of financial resources, increased juvenile delinquents, etc.  The lawmakers who are strongly against the passage of the bill concentrate on the contraceptives that may be offered to those who can't afford them, but are determined to plan the size of their families.  They strongly block this bill without realizing that apart from contraceptives that will definitely help the less privileged plan their family size, they hinder the rights of everyone from cultivating his knowledge on sexual needs of a human being.

Sexual Education is a must, and this is also included in the bill.  It is a must because it nurtures the knowledge of a person regarding sexually transmitted diseases and, most importantly, artificial and natural birth control methods that are truly helpful for an average family whose parents wish to have limited number of children in accordance to their financial stability.

The bill doesn't focus on contraceptives alone, but provides education to those who are curious and have questions they can't ask their parents.  It is a fact that children feel awkward talking sex with their parents than with their classmates or friends at school or anywhere.  Therefore, this can better be discussed in a classroom where everything is objective.  This environment is even better for them to get the answers they need, than leaving them alone by themselves exploring their curiosity in the outside world, which will definitely endanger not only themselves.

In this blog, I will stress the importance of sex education.  I will relate to you a simple story of a man who is naive to the artificial and natural birth control methods due to his lack of knowledge.  My position is for RH Bill to pass.  The country needs it.  We all need it.

Dear Doctor,

I wish to apply for an operation to make me sterile.  My reasons being numerous and after being married for seven years and having 7 children, I have come to the conclusion that contraceptives are totally useless.

After getting married, I was told to use the "RHYTHM METHOD".  Despite trying the Tango and Samba, my wife fell pregnant and I ruptured myself doing the Cha-Cha.  Apart from which, where do you find a band at 05:00 am in the morning?

A doctor suggested we use the "SAFE PERIOD".  At that time, we were leaving with our in-laws and we had to wait for 3 weeks for a safe period when the house was empty.  Needless to say, this didn't help.  A lady of several years of experience informed us that if we make love whilst breastfeeding, we would be alright.  It's hardly Newcastle Brown, but I did end up with a clear skin, silky hair and wife pregnant.

Another old wives' tale was if my wife would jump up and down after intercourse, this would prevent pregnancy.  After constant breast feeding from my earlier attempts, if my wife would jump up and down, she would end up with 2 black eyes and eventually knock herself unconscious.

I asked the chemist about the "CONDOM".  The chemist demonstrated how easy it was to use, so I bought a packet.  My wife fell pregnant again, which didn't surprise me, as I fail to see how a Durex stretched across the thumb, as the chemist showed, can prevent babies.

She was then supplied with the "COIL", and after several unsuccessful attempts to fit it, we realized that we had got a left hand thread, and my wife is very definitely a right hand screw.

A "DIAPHRAGM" came next.  We were very hopeful of this as it didn't interfere with our sex life at all, but alas, it did give my wife sever headaches.  We were given the largest size available but it was still too tight across the forehead.

Finally, we tried the "PILL".  At first it kept falling out then we realized we were doing it wrong.  My wife started to put it between her knees, thus preventing me from getting anywhere near her.  This worked for a while until the night she forgot her pill.

So dear doctor, you must appreciate my problem.  If this operation is unsuccessful, I shall have to revert to oral sex, and I can't see that talking about it will be very interesting.



Let us rally behind RH Bill.  It's our right to be given this.

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